Life Essentials Freeze Dried Chicken | 凍乾雞肉狗狗小食
Life Essentials Freeze Dried Chicken | 凍乾雞肉狗狗小食 | 2oz / 5oz
The Cat-Man-Doo凍乾脫水雞肉粒簡介: 經徹底烹煮取菌再冷凍脫水雞胸肉,天然無添加,不含穀物,熱量(每oz約70卡路里)和碳水化合物量低,人類級食材,經美國FDA驗證產品。
所有All Life Essentials產品為Cat-Man-Doo牌子中值得信賴產品之一Life Essentials的脫水雞肉粒,達人類等級的FDA檢驗產品,我們以白雞胸肉制造及切成條狀,然後將條狀雞胸肉徹底烹煮,得以消除任何可能性的細菌,在不使用然後在不使用化學品,添加劑或防腐劑的情況下完全冷凍及風乾。它也是一種不含穀物和添加劑的單一成分食品,是一種低卡路里及低碳水化合物食品。每oz雞肉約70卡路里,這些美味健康小吃,即使是最挑剔的貓也會喜歡。美國制造我們的產品是由真正的寵物迷所出品!
These large strips of chicken measure about 2" to 3" in length and about 1/2" thick". Most of our customers purchase these larger strips of chicken for their medium to large size dogs. The nice thing about these larger strips is that you can easily break them down into smaller pieces if you so desire.
The chicken itself is the exact same "All White Breast Meat" chicken that we use in our "Chicken Littles" pouch. The chicken that we purchase for this product and all of our chicken products is made for human consumption. When it comes to our pets we believe that obtaining the highest quality chicken is our number one priority.